Thursday, 24 July 2014

Out the Ore and up the Deben.

I didn't wait for the boat to swing to the ebb tide, bottled out I did, that channel is tortuous.  So we meanders this way and that, scanning for the next stick to poke out of the ooze.  You can't miss one out unless you really know what you're doing, but we made it out past all the lovely houses towards Slaughden.

Spiders and sparrows were evicted from the sails and, once hoisted, we tootled along rather nicely, the wind 4 - 5 and Tutak likes that.

On past the sneaky masts, passing their whispers to GCHQ.

On past the old Orfordness lighthouse.

Past the sailing club pontoon, half tide and above for access.

The hard at the Short Gull is still usable with care.  The stones can be a bit slippery with wellies on.


But we had a wonderful sunset and even better, a fantastic night sky, free from light pollution.  The nearest and rather meagre orange glow came from Felixstowe I do believe.

Well if you are going to do the east cost bars you may as well get them over with in one go.  Here is a vid of Tutak exiting the Ore, the Weir starboard hand mark come first followed by the Red Oxley, phew, made it again.

Once we had escaped the clutches of the wicked Knolls we headed south for the Deben and a run up to the Rocks.

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